Most people with money problems try to fix their problems from the outside, for example by setting up a budget. Unfortunately many financial coaching programs do the same thing. Sad to say the outcome is much the same as many fad diets - starting off with the best of intentions, staying with it for a while, dropping off and finding themselves back in much the same place that they started - maybe even with less money than they started out with. Really a bit like the New Year resolutions that rarely survive until Easter!
So why is it that these programs so often fail? Because they deal with the symptoms (I don't have enough money or I want to lose weight) and not the underlying causes.
The Money for Life Program recognises that while the symptoms of not having enough money are painful and important, no lasting change will happen unless the underlying causes are uncovered, recognised, understood and dealt with. That's when we have true and permanent change.
So the first part of the Money for Life Program focuses on and resolves those internal issues that have made you less effective than you would like to be around money. At the same time we work directly on your personal budget so you move away from not having enough money to being able to save on a regular basis while reducing your debts. The second part of the program strengthens your financial literacy so by the end of the Program you are fully empowered financially. This means that you are completely in control of your money and in any financial situation your know what questions to ask, are able to evaluate the answers and make the right decision for you.
Now interestingly, there are often unexpected side benefits from the program: relationships improve, health improves, changes happen at work and generally people feel much better about themselves and happier in their lives.
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