Blog Archive

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fred: I got off the treadmill

When I was younger, I hopped from one job to the next, believing that I would find that one perfect position, my dream job. In my dream job, I would be proud of my work, do good for the world, be respected as a high-status professional, and be paid handsomely. I often moved from one position to the next within a year or two, jumping whenever the grass appeared greener elsewhere. This constant dissatisfaction took its toll on me, leaving me always wanting more, always changing colleagues, and eventually becoming lonely and disconnected in my work. Because of this disconnect, my results weren't what they could have been.
I was working full-time at a job I enjoyed but didn't love. I was commuting about 1.5 hours per day. I never had enough time for all the outdoor activities I cherished. I wanted to be outside more, instead of spending the best part of each day in a cubicle. I spent a lot of money on new things that brought momentary happiness, only to end up with a cluttered garage. I had a wonderful dog, but not enough time to spend with her. I was always tired, drinking soft drinks and munching sugary snacks at work to stay awake. I was nearly 100 pounds overweight.
Then I discovered the Financial Integrity Program. Within five years of concerted effort, I crossed over to financial independence. Now I use my time for writing, volunteering, sailing and ultra marathon trail running. ). If I had begun following this nine-step program earlier in life, I would have reached financial independence even sooner! Clearly, the time to begin is now.
Financial independence can give us the ability to choose to do what we enjoy, rather than continuing on the paycheck-to-paycheck treadmill. Income opportunities have a way of falling into our laps when we're doing what we love. Repeatedly as I've helped other people with fun projects, I've been offered paid work. If I run short of funds, I'll accept!

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